Thursday, November 22, 2007

When it pours!

So basically I jinxed myself with everything I wrote in my last blog. Remember that glucose test? Well I failed the one hour, which isn't strange in and of itself but then I went on to say at least I am healthy..........well Sunday morning I woke up with a heaviness in my chest and a little bit of a tickle in my throat. By Monday it was a full fledged cough and feeling like I had been hit by a sledge hammer. It was difficult to make it through the day, that was also the day I learned I had failed the glucose test and had to go in Tuesday morning for the three hour. So fasting for me:) The test is grueling, get blood drawn as a base line, drink 100g of glucose solution and wait an hour, get blood drawn again, wait an hour, get blood drawn, wait an hour and then get blood drawn again. I got the added bonus on the last draw that she couldn't get blood out of the vein she was digging around in so I got stuck 5 times instead of 4!! Yeah me!. So the whole time I have an empty stomach (except for that fabulous glucose), baby is going crazy in my tummy AND I feel like I have the flu. Fun morning! Things haven't been to much better ever since and here I sit at work on Thanksgiving.............I dragged my butt in. That's enough for my complaining. I should find out the results on Friday, but before that hopefully I can enjoy a little of Thanksgiving that I have left. I will make that a separate and hopefully happier post.
**By the way, that's not me in the picture :)**

1 comment:

Jules said...

OK... I am not sick or pregnant, or failing my 1 hour glucose test... but My Thanksgiving sucked. I spent maybe
one hour with my family.. and then
I worked my ass off all night. It was the perfect finish to the tail end of a six-day stretch. I hate my
job. How did the three hour glucose
tolerance test go?