Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bumps, Rashes and Scales....OH MY!

So little Lucien has the trifecta of newborn skin irritations, cradle cap (head, forehead and ears!), infant acne, and prickly heat (all over his body). Little man looks rough. I am told by the doctor that prickly heat will go away by increase air flow around the skin, the cradle cap is a loosing battle (you just have to wait for it to go away or try and scrub the heck out of thanks) and the infant acne is caused by my hormones so it is just a waiting game. It's sad because I really wanted to get professional pics made of him while he was still considered a newborn but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. I may go ahead and do it anyway because after all, like the doctor said, this IS what he looks like right now. I just don't want him to look back and think, "what did you all do to me!?". :)

Yesterday morning Isabelle wakes up and mildly complains that her face itches. By 11:00am it was full on spots all over her back, arms, and face. Large red blotches. So I call the doctor and they have me stopping the ammoxicilan she is on for an ear infection and giving her benedryl until it clears up. Well as of this morning it is even worse and she even looks a little swollen.......but breathing is just fine. I think the doctor is trying to rule out a reaction to the antibiotic but since it is even worse this morning I have no idea what that means. I will call the office when they open to find out, but it looks like we may be taking yet another trip to the doctors office. Between all the kids and me I have been to doctors offices more in the last couple of weeks than I have last year alone! Ah well, when it rains it pours!

Yesterday I also went out and started purchasing some toys for Lucien, he is really starting to get more alert at times and he will follow objects and stare at things intently. This is such a fun time!

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